Andalusian Mares Direct from Spain
Most of our breeding mares are bay and have origins from Yeguada Escalera.
We also have some grey mares with origins of the Yeguada Martínez Boloix.
Our mares of diluted color come from Yeguada Militar and Bohorquez, obtaining budskin and pearl of high quality.
The mixture of such prestigious herds results in noble, faithful and beautiful horses.
Best Spanish Mares Online
Our PRE mares are selected for their nobility and functionality, and for their ability to be good breeding mares.
The mares live freely and in paddocks where they can move with fresh boil, straw and organic feed, all based on a balanced diet and adapted to the work they do.
Our PRE mares are ridden and driving, allowing them to be fit and stop exercising a few days before delivery.
These specimens meet the appropriate morphology to be broodmares. They are functional and their character defends the characteristics of a Purebred Spanish.
Our mares are registered in the PRE Horse Genealogical Book (LG PRE ANCCE).
Videos of Andalusian PRE Mares Ridden and in Freedom
To select the PRE breeding mares we take their movements into account, so we analyze them periodically and make videos that we share on this website so that our clients can see them.
In the YouTube and Vimeo channels of Yeguada Dimoba the videos of all our mares are available, except for some Mare from Yeguada Escalera, the rest have all been born in our stud farm so there are videos published practically since they were born.
Andalusian Mares for Sale Best Bloodlines
Spanish mares are very easy to handle and assemble, they are noble and have great beauty, so they are a great choice for those who want to acquire an Andalusian.
Our mares for sale are all ridden and driving, so they are very versatile, to those who buy them we recommend that you continue breeding as we do, riding them or driving them regularly and breeding as well.
When defining a brood mare to a sporty one we take into account the characteristics of each horse.
In a broodmare, they are expected to be large, strong and with more bone to ensure a healthy pregnancy and foal.
We put at our client’s disposal all the characteristics of each horse, as well as the qualified ones, which give it a higher level both as a mare and as its offspring.
The morphological and functional characteristics of our mares and their young are typical of the competition, obtaining good results.